I had been thinking of making a few tweeks to my diet for a while and I always work better when I have a challenge behind me. So I thought since starting two weeks ago I thought I should make it official that I have gone PALEO, (yes I know its a huge fad right now) and put it into print because once it is officially out there I have to stick to it no matter what. Pete Evans has been my inspiration behind making the changes, having met the man recently, reading the posts from his face book tribe and hearing of the success I thought it time to shake it up and give it a serious effort.
Coming to the end my second week on Pete Evans Paleo Activation, and even though, those who know me, I am a great one to stick to something once I make my mind up, and I am a very clean, organic, gluten and wheat free eater. With only making a few changes, giving up white potatoes (the Irish in me loves white potatoes and if I may say so myself I am excellent at cooking them) and including tasty home made broth and presently kim chi, plus increasing my fat intake, I am seeing and feeling the difference in my everyday life, which surprises me because I already ate so well. I have to say I’m enjoying the way the whole program has been set as I can choose the recipes I like and whether your a cook or not they are easy to follow and just so, so tasty.
I am noticing more energy, concentration levels have improved, inflammation and bloating at the end of the day is no longer there, and gym, yoga is less hard (Julia this doesn’t give you the green light to hammer me at Gym) and I have a spring to my step and a smile on my face today. My hubby has also commented how he is seeing the improvements in himself which are also similar to mine including, sleeping better, improved stress levels and reduction in his waist line already, woohoo.
Listening to a few podcasts today of Pete Evans and Nora Gedgaudas on the wellness couch has totally inspired me to take a stand, put myself out there with what I believe in, trust my instinct and hope that I can inspire others to take the few steps to improve their health and life along the way.
I totally believe by improving your food, life and fitness, plus using a little help with having a health coach to have someone to be accountable too and Bioresonance sessions to take the strain off the body allowing faster health improvements, weight loss and inserting that spring into your step sooner.
Love life, be the best you can possibly be, listen to your body, beat the fear and hesitation and stand up for what you believe and question everything, is my moto right now.
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